Adriano já não mora aqui (2018)
Rui Catalão
Rui Catalão (n. 1971) in 2010 he started a series of autobiographical solos (starting with “Inside Words”, the most recent ones being “Songs of Blarmino”, “The Great Debt Conferences”, “Precarious Work”), with portraits of his generation and the hidden history of his country. More recently, he presented Judith” (where he revisits the biblical feminine character to reshape the role of women before power defined by men), and “Now us” (with five afro-portuguese amateurs performing a real time decision making piece about the story of their lives). He also wrote the piece “Esther” (based on the old testament’s Book of Esther) to be performed by juvenile theatre groups, and has been quite active directing teenagers in theatre workshops. His work deals with the border between private and public space, memory, fragility, manipulation and transparence. As a dramaturg, he worked with João Fiadeiro, Miguel Pereira, Ana Borralho-João Galante, Manuel Pelmus, Brinjar Bandlien, Mihaela Dancs and more recently the newcomers Sofia Dinger, Elmano Sancho and Urândia Aragão. A scriptwriter, he was a journalist and a music and literature critic. He was also wrote scripts for the movies “Golden Helmet” and “To Die Like a Man” and “Un été avec Diogo” (filming). He wrote the book “Ingredientes do Mundo Perfeito” (about the stage work of Tiago Rodrigues) and was the editor and co-author of “Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker em Lisboa”.
Marta Moreira
+351 914 821 989
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