One song to hear you arriving


Sofia Dinger (2021)

Finished her master's degree in theater at Das Arts, in Amsterdam, as a scholarship holder of the Calouste Gulkbenkian Foundation. She It has always invested continuously in in
additional training with people from many different areas... Created and performed" A Song to Hear You Arriving ve" (Maria Matos Municipal Theater, Alkantara 2018 Festival 2018 and Spielart Munich 2019), "The Story stories of one a Love" (Traça/Alkantara project, 2017), "Great Illusion" (Temps d'Images, 2014 and Platform of the Performing Arts 2015)," Nothing's ever yours to keep" (Maria Matos Municipal Theater and took the play on tour in the context of the Rede 5 sentidos, 2011) and Noites Brancas (collaborationpartnership with Paula Diogo and Mónica Calle for the Almada Festival, 2013, invited by Mark Deputter). As a performer, sheinterpreter worked with Mónica Calle, Blitz Theatre Group, Sara Carinhas, Rui Catalão, Teatro do Vestido, Tiago Vieira, David Pereira Bastos, Gonçalo Amorim. In cinema, she crossed paths with directors such as Leonardo Mouramateus, André Lage, Paulo Menezes, Hugo
Vieira da Silva and Pedro Filipe Marques.
She received the Bernardo Santareno Revelation Actress Award (2011) and an honorable mention for her performance in the short film Lullaby (André Lage), at the 16th edition of the Luso Brazilian Film Festival of Santa Maria da Feira. The workshow " A great illusionA grande illusão" was highlighted as one of the best of the year 2014 by the critic João Carneiro at Expresso newspaper.
In 2013,  she he joined the Try Angle laboratory in Montemor-o-Novo (invited by Tiago
Rodrigues) and in 2015, joined the 1Space project (atinvited by of Thomas Walgrave) that occurred between Portugal, Congo, Palestine and South Africa and where she met Faustin Linyekula, Jozef Wouters , Tony Chakar, Hildegarde de Vuyst, Rimah Jabr. A version of her is latest solo was presented at  the Under Construction festival, in Ghent. .

She is fond of He is interested in ghosts. But there are so many people. She  He goes around the world in circles..


Marta Moreira

+351 914 821 989